Rust Rust - Wood

  • 2 Cores
  • 8GB RAM
  • 10GB Storage
  • 40 Slots

Custom Options

Customize your service options for your package

Select the location
The name of your server in the public server list.
The description under your server title. Commonly used for rules & info. Use \n for newlines.
The URL for your server. This is what comes up when clicking the "Visit Website" button.
The header image for the top of your server listing.
RCON access password.
Sets the server’s auto-save interval in seconds.
The circular server logo for the Rust+ app.
Overwrites the map with the one from the direct download URL. Invalid URLs will cause the server to crash.
The world file for Rust to use.
The world size for a procedural map.
The seed for a procedural map.
The modding framework to be used: carbon, oxide, vanilla. Defaults to "vanilla" for a non-modded server installation.
The root directory of your modding framework - If using carbon, this should be set to carbon. If using oxide, this should've set to oxide.
Server tags allow your server to be categorized. There is a list below of all tags. Separate each tag with a comma such as: weekly,NA,vanilla | All available server tags are listed here:
The directory of your server. Default is set to rust.
Determines if the server with automatically update on start.
Download and use the ChaosCode extension?
Download and use the Discord Extension?
Download and install the RustEdit Extension?
Determine if you want the server to validate the game files every time the server starts.
Unless you know what you're doing. Leave this field blank!!!! This is very important! Please do not change this unless you have read the Rust+ App documentation here:
Disable installation / update of any chosen framework.
Gamemode of Rust
Determine whether you want to write logs to a file.
Do you want to enable the egg's debug mode?
Determine which method of downloading the server files you'd like to use.

Payment method

Select the desired Payment method

Personal details

Please enter your personal details

Custom notes

You can include any special requests or things we should know.

Order Summary


Monthly ££4.99

Setup fee ££0.00

Discount 0.00

VAT Incl. £0.00

Due today



Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?